Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Seven Wonders of Casper

#1 The next Wonder of Casper is the "Seeing Eye House" Weird.

#2 This Wonder of Casper is found at the Public Library. If you stand in the middle of this you talk to that round thing on the wall and your voice echos back to you loud and clear.

This Wonder of Casper is "Gravity Hill" You put your car in Neutral and face uphill. Your car will begin to roll up the hill. Interesting.

#4 This Wonder of Casper is downtown. It is the "Spiral Staircase"


This wonder of Casper is called "The Clock that no one Sees" To see it you have to go to the top of the parking structure on Center Street and look on the back side of the Lou Talbert Building.

This Wonder of Casper is called the "Egg Beater" This is downtown at the Wells Fargo Bank Building. You stand underneath it and spin around and you are supposed to feel like you are in an egg beater. I think it just makes you dizzy!

#7 The Seventh Wonder of Casper you have to drive up to Look Out Point on the Mountain at night. You look at the the shape of the lights and they look like a steam boat. I-25 going north is lighted and that is the smoke stack. No picture of that. It was a very windy day and nearly got blown off the mountain. Grandpa lost his hat!